Connecting with Nature

on Monday, 08 February 2021. Posted in News

This week we will on connecting with nature both inside and outside for our general wellbeing. We know that we have an innate need to make this connection so whether it is bringing more houseplants into your work area - at home or in the workplace - or getting outside, we will be featuring it across our social media channels all week.

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Biophilia is recognised as our need to connect with nature, so surrounding ourselves with natural materials and the obvious one, houseplants, makes complete sense.

With lockdown having increased the need and the popularity for houseplants, we’d be surprised if you can find an office at home or in a traditional space, that doesn’t have plants. At least we hope so.

Bird of Paradise

Houseplants help our mental health, to absorb and deflect noise levels, to refresh the air, to reduce levels of minor ailments and to improve our productivity and creativity. They’re such all rounders, it’s a wonder they didn’t become a must-have product much sooner.

Thanks to Instagram and lockdown houseplants are now trending everywhere and we love it.

A glimpse of nature
Apparently even a glimpse of nature is good for our souls – and our brains. A ‘nature boost’ or just a glimpse of nature through a window for instance helps our brains to re-engage.

Window view

Making workplaces safer
Plants@work members also have the tools to help make workplaces safer in the current climate with plant barriers, mobile planters, groupings of plants and much more. Talk to us for more information.

Mind the Gap FB

With many of us seeing return of snow this morning and possible for the next few days, we thought we might start the connection with nature with a reminder about ‘hygge’ (pronounced houger). This Scandinavian word roughly translates as contentment and cosiness, usually linked to nature.

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Obviously in Scandinavia, summers are short and whilst they make the most of that period, they don’t hibernate in winter and the other seasons either. They embrace the cold.

This something that not all of us are good at – including the author!

Hygge means keeping nature close and bringing it indoors in many different ways from the materials your surround yourselves with to using houseplants as a decorative aesthetic both in the home and the workplace. This ties Hygge back to biophilia and our need to connect with nature for our health and wellbeing.

In Japan, a popular activity to reduce anxiety and stress is called Shinrin-yoku or forest bathing. This involves walking in forests or woods to reduce tension.

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Studies have found that this method:

  • Reduces blood sugar levels
  • Improves hormonal and nervous system functions
  • Burns more calories than other type of waking
  • Reduces blood pressure and pulse rates and stabilises heart rates
  • Reduces anxiety and hostility
  • It also improves stress levels – in fact the higher the stress levels the greater the effect

Again lockdown brought gardening back into favour and introduced a lot of first times to this wonderful pastime.

At the moment it’s more about planning for spring and summer crops but follow the likes of Monty Don for more tips.

Monty Don

Whatever you do, make sure you improve your life by connecting with nature whenever you can. Join us on social media this week to spread the word.


#connectwithnature #houseplants #biophilia #forestbathing #hygge #getoutsideinnature #bringnatureinside